Tuesday, October 6, 2009

repentance... sort of...

ok, so perhaps we haven't been the best at updating the blog and keeping all you adoring fans up to date on up-to-the-minute updates every day. so we might have not even touched the blog for 2 months. so we haven't uploaded pictures every minute like we prolly should. well, now we're at least starting to turn over a new leaf even if we don't get it all the way over. we'll give you a sneak peek at what COULD be the contents-ish of our blog.

first and foremost, OUR STORY!

Well one can't start a story without introducing our characters... Meet Emily Gates and Kevin Ellis...!

Kevin Ellis (as interviewed by Miss Emily Gates)

What is your full name?
"Kevin Paul Ellis"

What is your birthday?
"23rd of September 1986"

Where were you born?
"Holladay, Utah"

What is your sign?
"Its complicated..." Emily asks "is that all...?" Kevin said "yes..."

Favorite Color?

Guilty Pleasure?
"Pokemon..." Emily asks "are you serious?" Kevin says..." I don't know there are many...Pokemon for instance."

Thoughts on Kayne West?
"I'm gonna let you finish Kayne but let me ask you one questions... Do you like fish sticks?"
(If you don't understand I'm sure Kevin would be happy to to explain to you later...)

If you could be a ninja turtle which one would you be and why?
"Raphael, cause he is BAHC "(another thing he can explain later...)

Thoughts on getting married?
"It will be the happiest day of my life...so far..." (insert awwww here...)

In the movie of your life which actor would play your character?
"Marky Mark (or for the younger generation Mark Walburg) with Jack Black as understudy."

What are you going to be for Halloween?
"Raphael...the ninja turtle that is."

What will the future be like in your opinion?
"Hover cars... and insta transport tubes."

Your words to live by?
"I rule the free world"

What is something that you feel is completely amazing but doesn't receive the credit it deserves?
"Video Games. How else am I supposed to prepare myself for the post-apocolyptic take over of the world by a mutant strain of a virus gene that turns people instantly into zombies behinds just carrying around a shotgun? These skills are necessary..." Emily's response... "Nerd."

Where did you serve your mission?
"Canada Toronto East Mission Spanish speaking"

What was one of your fav moments on the mission?
"Getting to see my first convert sealed to his wife in the temple for time and all eternity"

Favorite book?
"Any Star Wars book..." Emily's response again... "Nerd."

Best Date?
"Going to see the movie Australia with my future wife"

Worst Date?
"Going to get sushi on Valentines Day, also with future wife, and ended up with two traffic tickets."

Why do you Rock!?
"That shouldn't even be a question..."

And now for the important part of the entry:

Emily Gates (soon to be Ellis) (as interviewed by her hubby-poo)

Is Emily Gates your full name?
"Yes it is. I don't have a middle name."

What is your favorite color?
"hot pink and yellow"

What is your favorite pastime?
"planning parties and longboarding. also the i hate/love the fact game."

A few of your favorite artists/bands?
"Michael Jackson, may he rest in peace. queen and abba. Are you going to ask me some random questions?"

what is the craziest thing you've ever eaten?
"cajun sweet potato chips. that was today."

nothing weirder?
"i don't eat crazy i DO crazy!"

what is your most embarrassing moment?
"sitting on one of those chocolate eyeball things they sell around halloween in health class. i was wearing khakis as part of my school uniform and i had to walk all the way home like that."

if you could do anything in the whole world once what would it be?
"stay in the Cinderella suite at disneyland and be the grand marshall in the parade. also sing a dream is a wish your heart makes in front of a crowd then wow them with my mad clogging skills."

favorite movie?
"waynes world, sound of music, singing in the rain, tommy boy, snl and musicals"

best date ever?
"going to midnight mass christmas eve when kevin said he loved me for the first time"

worst date ever?
"junior prom. creepy date, ugly dress and i biffed it in front of the whole school."

what is something that you feel is fantastic but doesn't receive the credit it deserves?
"me. just kidding. thank you waves in traffic."

tell us about your guilty pleasures:
"i don't feel guilty about them. dancing in my underwear when noone is home. to music, not to nothing. the food network and jim gaffigan."

what is your ideal future?
"robots and humans cohabitating peacefully. and to be a mom and wife. and i want a robot maid. but we'll coexist peacefully."

if you knew you only had an hour to live what would you do?
"gimme more time!"

what makes you so tremendous?
"i don't know if you know this, but... i'm kind of a big deal. and i'm funny and i'm pretty."

what are you going to be for halloween and why?
"michaelangelo. because he's the partyer ninja turtle."

what is your sign? (at her prompting)
"gemini. it means twin. twins = more to love."

well folks, that'd be about all we can spare details on about ourselves, at least for now, so we'll be moving on and posting more in the near future. peace.

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